"Mom!" screams Aidan frantically. "I have to get to school early! I have a review class!"
"Nope, nope." says Gannan sarcastically. "It's my time right mom? Right?"
Trying to decide what to do, my mind's soundtrack plays in the background.
" Pressure, pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man ask for
Under pressure, that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets."
I grew up in a musical family where performing, piano lessons, voice lessons, dance lessons, 8 track tapes, oodles of albums and radios blaring intertwined with the din of life on 132 Hunter Street. Music was always there. It would keep me company on my paper route at 5:30 in the morning. It would play in the background during showers, homework time, or hanging out with friends, and while belting out a show tune on stage, it would give me a high like no other. Music was and still is a reliable and trusted friend. Is it any wonder that it accompanies me on this motherhood journey? It seems that for every situation I experience throughout the day there is a song I can connect to it. Many people who enjoy music are attracted to the melodies and combination of sounds. For me, the lyrics have always been the most important. If I can relate to the words the singer is singing, the song has me hooked forever. Songs that make me feel less alone as a mom and sometimes a wife immediately get put on my iPod and become part of the "mom soundtrack" in my head. Sound crazy? Little singers in my head...No my name isn't Sybil! Let me give you more examples.
The boys are outside. Baby is napping. I have seen an interesting story on CNN that I can't wait to discuss with Jeffrey. We settle in on the couch and I say, "You should have seen this story that Anderson Cooper did on CNN last night."
"Uh huh." Jeff grunts.
I am pretty sure I see his eyes glaze over, but I really want to tell him about it so I press forward. As I delve into the details of the story (that I will spare you here) Jeff's eyes wander to the television. I move my position on the couch so that he at least can see me peripherally and therefore may refocus, but instead he turns his head a little more focusing harder on the TV. It is at this moment that my mom soundtrack begins to play Listen (from the motion picture Dreamgirls)
"Listen... to the song here in my heart
A melody I start but can complete.
Listen... to the sound from deep within
It's only beginning to find release."
Trying to ignore that his eyes aren't looking at me, trying to ignore that his body is pitched forward as if trying to hear the TV better, even trying to ignore the song playing in my head warning me that I don't have his attention, I continue to talk and pose a question--perhaps to measure whether my husband is listening or not--
"Can you believe he reacted that way?"
"Uh huh." he grunts again. His eyes are on the TV. I sit quietly hoping that he is just thinking of something to say, but after five silent minutes I give up, and as I walk away Beyonce's voice sings louder in my head.
"Listen... I am alone at a crossroads
I am not home in my own home
And I tried and tried to say what's on my mind.
You should have known."
I am not sure when I realized that I had this growing collection of songs in my mind chiming in during specific daily moments. But I am kind of glad that they are there. It is comforting to me that there are song writers out in the cosmos who seem to understand, in their own way, the feelings that I may be experiencing at certain times. And that isn't to say that the songs only play during frustrating times. They also play during times of happiness and levity.
For instance, whenever I see Ila after a particularly long nap or date night with Jeff, Leona Lewis' version of The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
"You don't need direction, you know which way to go
And I don't want to hold you back,
I just want to watch you grow
You're the one who taught me
you don't have to look behind
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine."
There are many songs that seemed to get played out more often than others. For instance, when I am feeling particularly desperate about the problems that plague the family that I love, when I feel inadequate in the mothering department, a favorite tune by Jon McLaughlin, Beautiful Disaster
Finally I'd be remiss to leave out that my Mama Soundtrack can sometimes help to set a tone or mood. For instance, on the rare evening that my husband and I go out (and I mean really out, drinks, dancing, good food, friends) I can do a pretty great Mimi impression in the shower holding my scrub brush as a microphone and singing Out Tonight
"Let's go owwwwooooot tonight.
I have to go owwwwwoooooot tonight.
You wanna prowl, be my night owl?
Well take my hand, we're gonna howl
Owwwooooot tonight."
Really gets a girl going, ya know? And then of course at the end of the day, when all is quiet I sit at my vanity removing makeup and brushing my hair, and Jeffrey comes in after giving Ila a bath smelling of soap and Johnson's baby lotion. He sits behind me on the bed and says in a particular way how much he loves me. At moments like this, I may turn to gaze in his eyes while Beyonce's Naughty Girl
If you are interested in some of my songs, you can click on them and listen or even purchase them from Amazon.com.
What about you? What's on YOUR soundtrack that you think I should add to mine? Leave your list by commenting below!
My absolute favorite entry so far! I felt very connected to this one. Although I don't have the repertoire of songs the Luce girls do, (I think more in book titles,) I, too, have songs that play for certain moments of my life. It is almost at times that they are like a mantra, at others, a consolation, and sometimes, more like an internal conversation with myself! For the last year, I was SUPPOSED to be making a mixed cd of songs to be the soundtrack of my life, but it is awfully hard to narrow things down, particularly when it feels like there needs to be so much narration between songs. Some would be chosen for things they trigger for me, some for the lyrics, and other for the way the songs change my mood. I found it to be a far more daunting task than I had anticipated. I think I'll have to get on that! I'll get back to you with some of my mama Soundtrack.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is (I love you more today than yesterday! But not as much as tomorrow!